How Does Contractionary Monetary Policy Work

Contractionary monetary policy is a tool used by central banks to control inflation and dampen economic growth. It is often employed when the economy is experiencing excess demand and a surge in prices. In this article, we will explore how contractionary monetary policy works and its potential impacts on the economy.

What is Contractionary Monetary Policy?

Contractionary monetary policy is a strategy employed by central banks to reduce the money supply in the economy. This is achieved by increasing interest rates and reducing the amount of money available to borrowers. The ultimate goal of this policy is to slow down economic growth and reduce inflation.

How Does Contractionary Monetary Policy Work?

There are several tools that central banks use to implement contractionary monetary policy. These include:

1. Increase in Interest Rates: One of the primary tools used by central banks to implement contractionary monetary policy is increasing interest rates. This increases the cost of borrowing money, which reduces the amount of money available in the economy. It also encourages saving, which further reduces the money supply.

2. Sell Government Securities: Central banks can also sell government securities to commercial banks and other financial institutions. This reduces the amount of money available to these institutions, which further reduces the amount of money in circulation.

3. Increase in Reserve Requirements: Central banks can also increase the reserve requirements for commercial banks. This means that banks are required to hold a higher percentage of depositors` money as reserves, which reduces the amount of money available for lending.

Potential Impacts of Contractionary Monetary Policy

Contractionary monetary policy can have several impacts on the economy. These include:

1. Slowed Economic Growth: By reducing the money supply, contractionary monetary policy can reduce economic growth. This is because businesses and individuals have less money to spend and invest, which leads to a slowdown in economic activity.

2. Increased Unemployment: Slowed economic growth can also lead to increased unemployment. Businesses may cut back on hiring or lay off workers to compensate for reduced demand.

3. Reduced Inflation: Contractionary monetary policy is often used to reduce inflation. By reducing the amount of money in circulation, central banks can help reduce the demand for goods and services, which can lead to lower prices.


Contractionary monetary policy is a powerful tool used by central banks to control inflation and manage economic growth. By reducing the money supply, central banks can slow down economic activity and reduce inflationary pressures. However, this policy can also have unintended consequences, such as increased unemployment and reduced economic growth. As such, it is important for central banks to carefully consider the potential impacts of this policy before implementing it.