Your collective agreement (a statutory contract between the ONA and your employer) describes your working conditions, including rates of pay and benefits, vacation, sick leave, and short- and long-term disability. Your contract also includes specific clauses regarding professional liability, workload, seniority rights, job offers, scheduling, and the grievance procedure used to enforce collective bargaining rights. Ontario`s labour laws and your collective agreement protect you from repercussions if you file a complaint. Sometimes there may be a difference between ONA members and their employers that relates to the collective agreement. These differences may be related to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged breach of the Agreement. If you believe your collective bargaining rights have been violated, you may be able to file a complaint. As a member of the ONA, you benefit from protection against unfair practices and unsafe working conditions in your workplace. Your rights in the workplace are set out in a collective agreement (or contract). You must contact your union representative without delay if you believe that your rights have been violated. There are binding timelines to resolve issues. Your union representatives can help you in the next steps and represent you throughout the process.
Hospitals | Retirement homes | Houses for | | seniors in the field of public health clinics| | of the industry Les LHIN (formerly CAC) | Home care provider.. A complaint is an agreed procedure for resolving disputes between the ONA and your employer. In 2015 alone, the ONA filed more than 6,000 complaints on behalf of its members. The four main objections related to overtime, dismissals, discipline and scheduling. Download the complaint fact sheets below to learn more about the complaints procedure. Contract We continue to work on behalf of all our members. The Ontario Nurses Association negotiates your salaries, benefits and working conditions on your behalf. Access your contract below: If the ONA and the employer are unable to resolve the complaint at the workplace level, the ONA may decide to refer the matter to arbitration. Arbitration is a means of resolving complaints when the union and employer present their cases to a neutral third-party arbitrator. The arbitrator`s decision is binding, i.e.
his decision is final. Check out our new series, which offers a behind-the-scenes look at the ONA negotiations. Download the model agreement for nursing homes (English) (expires on the 30th. June 2021) Here If you have any questions about your contract or the performance of your contract, please contact the chair of your bargaining unit. .