The 4 Agreements Reddit

>I.M. in the meantime, I`m afraid to post on reddit because. I don`t know. I had a girlfriend. She really dug up the four chords (towards the end of our time together). The four agreements are an attempt to bring you inner peace. This is a reprogramming attempt. There have been thousands of attempts over the years, so don`t feel too bad if they don`t resonate with you. Look for another way that makes you feel good.

But the power of the four chords is undeniable. You can use them every day in any situation. They transcend the ”rules” so you don`t have to throw away old beliefs if you don`t want to do it yet. If you ”agree” with them and ”do your best” to follow them, you can fall asleep every night with a clear conscience. ”At the beginning of our lives, we started making deals. Our parents rewarded us when we did what they wanted, and they punished us when we didn`t. We also learned behaviors and habits at school, church, and from other adults and children in the playground. Reward and punishment tools were often emotional and sometimes physical.

The influence of the opinions and reactions of others on us has become a very powerful force in the habits we have created. In this process, we created agreements in our minds about who we should be, who we shouldn`t be, who we were and who we weren`t. Over time, we have learned to live our lives according to the chords in our own minds. We have learned to live according to the agreements that have emerged from the opinions of others. In this process of domestication, it turns out that the choices we make and the life we live are determined more by the opinions we have learned from others than by the one we would choose ourselves. ”Here are the four agreements that flow directly from the book. (Here`s an HD poster to print and download.) The agreements apply from work to the family. ”Always do your best” will help you recover from a failed sales pitch you`ve been practicing for days. ”Don`t make assumptions” will help you communicate and ask better questions before you break off your relationship due to insecurity. ”Don`t take anything personally” will help you see the world more clearly over time. Obviously, not all of them are perfect. You won`t always follow these so-called ”deals,” but if you make an effort, you can change your life.

I had a bad feeling from them, like: *1 It was pop philosophy, not in the way of Alain de Botton, in the way of Tony Robbins, *2 that there is this free celebration of self and *3 that they are too ethical (that`s one thing), or rather that these agreements are inflexible. Simple but life-changing tips. I first heard about the book from an entrepreneur I followed on Twitter – he says he reads it every week. It`s a quick read. Now I have the chords on a bracelet and I try to think about it when I wake up. Do yourself a favor and get to know them! But in the end, it ties in with pretty much all of these four ”agreements” when you think about it. Please read the four agreements of Don Miguel Ruiz. I have changed my life and that of so many friends who also struggle not to take the of others personally. Don`t make assumptions Find the courage to ask questions and express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as possible to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With a single agreement, you can completely change your life.

. I have always loved this book for its teachings. It is important that readers take mysticism as intended – the transmission of a tradition and worldview and the naming of things that are difficult to express succinctly. Great job! It reminds me of the book ”The Four Agreements”. Looks like you`re about to master number 2! The book is good. It puts things in interesting perspectives and it was written in an interesting way. I agree with the ”Woo Woo” stuff. I do not believe in that kind of thing either. I simply interpret it negatively and positively. It seems to me that you take the book far too seriously and listened to too much.

To me, it`s like someone who hates a Dr. Suess book because it`s written ”strangely” and ”sometimes doesn`t make sense.” It is a unique book that has been written in a unique way and has some good points. . >I have poor grades, I am not very funny, mediocre and mediocre in my sport and mediocre as a good friend and also so mediocre that no one wants to build meaningful friendships with me. Don`t take anything personallyNo others do it, it`s because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, of their own dream. If you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you will not suffer unnecessary suffering. It`s so liberating not to let these people rent space in my head.

Usually I go for Latin girls with big breasts and without tattoos… and again.. who the hell cares??? LOL Interesting note to this book, Tom Brady apparently lives his life after. He has mentioned it publicly several times as what got him through a very difficult time in his life, and now it`s his operating system for life. I find this interesting because I personally believe he is one of the best examples available of a modern Stoic. I have a bad feeling about reading a book, and I`m interested in what you think about philosophy. Do the four agreements have any value? If your hot date told you no and you`re thinking, ”I`m overweight, not funny, and no one would ever want to date me because I`m so lazy,” tell yourself instead, ”I`m an exceptionally talented person with a love of cooking and I know I strive to be everyone`s best partner, with which I go out.” The result has not been changed, the pain has not necessarily disappeared, but you simply will not be bothered by it instead. . It comes from a book called The Four Agreement. I didn`t agree with some of them because I`m not a Christian or I`m not into shamanism, but the general theory is solid. [link] 1 Be impeccable with your word (justice/honesty) 2 Don`t take anything personally (moderation/serenity) 3 Don`t make assumptions (wisdom) 4 Always do your best (courage) What if you already regret it? It seems that you are now doing your best not to reject them.

I have a lot of experience with men because of my age – some men just say the stupidest things, but it has nothing to do with you!!! It took me forever to learn this!! I have a question specifically with the 2nd agreement Never take anything personally. I enjoyed the chapter until the end when I read: ”If you abide by this agreement, you can travel around the world with a completely open heart and no one can hurt you. You can say, ”I love you,” without fear of being ridiculed or rejected. > absolutely explosive motivational speeches of Dude, I gave in general and suggested what might be possible. Your views on money, good life, relationships, health, sexuality, spirituality and yourself are all products of your environment. It seems quite arrogant to believe that you got all the right answers, if there are any. But once you realize that, you feel very lost. What should you believe? How should you guide your life? Enter religion, government, community, or scripture as follows. It`s just our attempt to understand everything. All of our views on these issues change and solidify over time (based on our personal experiences with them, of course). If all this is so manipulable, why not start from scratch? It`s great for the job. Sometimes it`s hard for me to defend myself.

But when I work for someone else, or in the name of a good job and a good project, it`s much easier to be direct and confident. The world is not here to look for you. nor the Linux community. I read and listened to the audiobook. He almost lost me at first, but I`m glad I persevered. You are welcome, I am really sorry that you have felt this way for so long. I remember thinking that I was lower than the dirt, that I didn`t deserve to breathe the same air as others. It was a very dark place in my life, and I can understand his desire to escape. .

One of the chords is – Don`t take anything personally If you`re ”young” (which I define here as under 30), I wouldn`t worry too much about it – you should develop more self-confidence as you mature and gain more experience. I`m also a serious introvert and I care a lot about what strangers think of me, but that has decreased with age. Take a moment to recognize your personal judge. It will attack you at any vulnerability. This will try to reduce your self-confidence and satisfaction. It is made to keep you online. Who knows if it`s particularly good or bad for you. But I think we can all agree that it would be so good to free ourselves from the judge. There are many reasons why people are unhappy. You should read the book The Four Agreements. I found it very useful as part of my meditation experience. ”Could possibly be interpreted as an opportunity for you to take another victim position.” is something other than ”Interpreted as an opportunity for you to take another victim attitude.” Also the book ”The Four Chords” It`s a quick read, but really reinforces the points it raised.
