Bedford Council Section 106 Agreement

Development can only continue if the proponent has fulfilled the planning obligations, either by submitting a unilateral commitment or by entering into a section 106 agreement with us. We have oversight officers who record and monitor financial and in-kind contributions to ensure that planning obligations are met within the limits of the agreements. The S106 agreements were withdrawn following the introduction of the Community infrastructure tax in parallel (see the ”Measures” section below for more information). The Council issued a statement on exceptional circumstances. In very limited circumstances, an exemption can be granted by CIL, but this can only be done if an S106 agreement has been reached regarding the building permit that allows for paid development and the correct procedures in the regulations are followed. A guide with more information on how to relieve exceptional circumstances is available. Agreements under Article 106 (S106) are legally binding planning obligations between a local authority and a developer. They are promulgated in accordance with section 106 of the Planning Act 1990 and provide the mechanism for taking measures to make acceptable the effects of the proposed development that would otherwise have been rejected. On 1 September 2019, an amendment to the CIL Regulation entered into force. Please direct all CIL questions to while our guidelines are updated.

The agreement under section 106 specifies when payments or benefits in kind are made. The trigger varies from development to development and is often related to the start date or certain occupancy rates. The building permit issued after April 1, 2014 is required to pay the tax. A development approved under authorized development rights and implemented after that date may also be required to pay CIL. The CIL will operate in parallel with a reduced system of Section 106 agreements covering issues related to location and affordable housing. Further information on the Council`s approach to planning obligations is available in the SPD on planning obligations. The obligation for the Council to keep an up-to-date list of CIL 123 regulation was removed following the adoption of the new CIL 2019 regulation on 1 September 2019. As a result, CIL Regulation 123 can now only be used as a backgrounder on how infrastructure in the Borough of Bedford can be provided and funded through CIL revenues and section 106 planning obligations. The list of Council Regulations CIL 123 is replaced by the new Council Declaration on infrastructure financing (PDF). Developers and landowners/building permit applicants may submit revised plans for development on the same property.

It is then up to the developer to decide which schema they want to implement. Each new revision obliges them to conclude a new agreement or unilateral commitment. We will only receive contributions obtained through the programs implemented. For more information about CIL, see If you have any questions with an S106 application that you have submitted and paid on the form above, please contact If you believe you are entitled to relief, you should speak to the Commission as soon as possible. You must also obtain consent to your formal claim before starting work on the site, as in most cases no repairs can be granted after development has begun. If a developer wishes to apply for an exemption or relief from the CIL because, for example, they provide social housing, an ”exemption or release application form” or forms SB1 and SB2 for self-built homes, attachments must be submitted as soon as liability has been assumed. Each section 106 agreement specifies how contributions are to be spent. If a specific objective has been included in the agreement, the contribution can legally only be used for that purpose. If you have any questions about the S106 guidelines or the SPD planning requirement, please send an email to A planning obligation is a legal agreement between the planning authority, the developer and other interested parties. By law, they must be: because of the way our reports are created, they may not be suitable for users of assistive technologies.

If you need an accessible version, please email Planning officers are responsible for negotiating and fulfilling planning obligations. They work closely with spending officers who assess the need for new infrastructure and services. Some spendthrift officers are outside the Council, such as the police, but the majority are our responsibility. The community received around £95,000 from Bovis, the builder of the original 249 houses in Great Denham, replacing the construction of a temporary community hall that should have been made available to residents of those houses. This amount was supposed to be spent in November 2016 or an unspent balance goes back to Bovis, and we are happy to inform you that the money was spent on time. The money was to be used for investments or costs directly related to these expenses, not to subsidize the supply. By the time the money came in, it had been receiving interest for some time, and over the years the parish council ensured its continued growth by carefully investing the money where interest rates were highest.

Please include the appropriate submission code on your application or application form, for example under S106 BA or S106 A(1) or S106 A(3). For more information and forms, see When development has begun, Section 106 funds will not be received until the developer reaches its trigger point. These measures must be directly related to the development proposed in the application. They may include restrictions or obligations for the developer to obtain the building permit. For example, the developer of a large residential lot may contribute to the construction of a new classroom at the local school. See details of all S106 contributions received and spent: Guaranteed when project funds have been approved but not fully spent. In some cases, exemptions, exemptions or payments are allowed. See In addition, the local council used the amount of the trip to purchase and install three benches along the waterfront trail, two benches in the rural park wetland and two bulletin boards were installed on Greenkeepers Road.

Indexing applies to fees, see information under ”CIL indexing”. 4. Stone entrance feature at Great Denham Roundabout – £6,500 SPD planning commitments is a key consideration that carries weight when considering applications for the development of new developments. The fee is £102.50 VAT included and can be paid by filling out the form. You must provide the application number. For more information on recent changes to CIL regulations, see the National Guide to Planning Practices. If you have any questions about whether or not a development is responsible for the CIL, first read the information contained in the CIL guidelines, which include information about the fee and its application in the district. Residential development of one or more apartments by new construction or conversion, even if less than 100 m².m. 1.

Provide and maintain a community tree for the Kingswood Way roundabout – £5000 To reflect changes in the cost of provisions, most guaranteed contributions are indexed. In this way, contributions can stay in line with the economy. The index link is explained in more detail in the planning obligations strategy paper. Part of the CIL funds collected from new developments obtained after April 1, 2014 is allocated to the financing of neighborhoods to meet local priorities that are transmitted to parishes in parish areas. On the pages with planning obligations on GOV.UK you will find instructions on how to use them. Gt-Denham-District-Centre-Master-Plan-Jan-2010-e.pdf In the parish report, there is a planning commitment table that describes in detail the status of the guaranteed planning commitment contribution. The table is empty if the mail has not yet been received. .